Date of enactment April 1, 2020.
FunkyCorp Ltd.
Director: Terumasa Mori

With regard to the protection of all personal information handled by the Company, the Company fully recognizes its social responsibility and will comply with laws and regulations regarding the protection of the rights of the individual and personal information. In addition, we declare that we will build a personal information protection management system to implement the following policies, and we will make company-wide efforts to continuously improve it while always keeping abreast of the latest trends in IT, changes in social demands, and changes in the business environment.

(a) Personal information will be acquired, used and provided only to the extent necessary for the employment and management of personnel and for the performance of our business in areas of inbound tourism digital marketing strategies, consulting, multilingual website construction and content development. We will not use personal information beyond the scope necessary for the achievement of the purpose. In addition, we will take measures to prevent the use of personal information for purposes other than the original intent.

(b) We will comply with the laws and regulations, national guidelines and other standards regarding the protection of personal information.

(c) To prevent the risk of leakage, loss or damage of personal information, the Company shall take reasonable security measures to prevent such risks, and shall continuously improve its personal information security system by allocating management resources appropriate to our business. In addition, if it is judged that there is a problem with the protection of personal information, we will promptly take corrective measures.

(d) Complaints and consultations about the handling of personal information will be dealt with promptly and in an appropriate manner.

(e) The Company's personal information protection management system will be reviewed in a timely and appropriate manner based on changes in the business environment and improvements will be continuously pursued.

Contact Information

If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please contact us using the below. in social demands, and changes in the business environment.

FunkyCorp Ltd. Personal Information Contact Inquiries
Portal Point Harajuku Annex 8F, 3-51-7 Sendagaya
Shibuya, Tokyo 151-0051 Japan
TEL: 03-6804-2655 FAX: 03-6804-2656
Hours of business: 10:00 - 19:00
(except Sat / Sun / National Holidays / Year End / Golden Week holidays)